Volunteer Driver Program TurnKey Kit

With more than 1 in 5 older Americans 65+ not driving, the need for transportation services is critical to ensure access to medical care, grocery shopping, and life-enriching social opportunities.

The Shepherd’s Centers of America network is committed to providing volunteer driver services to support older adults living in their own homes and communities. That’s why, with leadership from Dr. Helen Kerschner, we are honored to provide a revised and expanded Volunteer Driver Program TurnKey Kit, based on decades of experience, to help enhance capacity of existing programs and help launch new programs in unserved communities.

This TurnKey Kit offers informational and technical materials related to the planning, implementation, and evaluation of volunteer driver programs. Included are new and revised fact sheets and exercises, educational materials, survey instruments, workbooks, publications, and risk management resources. 


We are happy to help you in your efforts to offer quality volunteer transportation services. Contact us at staff@shepherdcenters.org.

1. Planning Kit