
Doing similar work and want to grow network strong with us? Become an affiliate member and enjoy a wealth of benefits! Most important is that by working together, we can reach more older adults

We have a long history of working closely with community-based nonprofits across the nation to improve the lives of older adults. As a membership organization, we offer a variety of members-only benefits that help community-based affiliates operate effectively and efficiently and, importantly, raise awareness of our shared mission of aging well in community with one, strong voice.

It’s easy to connect to the SCA network. Our members share a mission of empowering older adults to age in community based on six core principles, which we call our IMPACT model:

I = inclusion of all people and all faiths
M = meaningful programs and services designed by older adults
P = power of volunteers to make a difference
A = aging well today and tomorrow
C = connecting individuals to each other and to community
T = team effort with a group of people, congregations and community agencies

You are invited to learn more about membership: